At BioAssays we are very interested in attracting talent and experience in Biotechnology, so we have requested funding from “Torres-Quevedo” Program, form the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, to finance the hiring of a PhD Molecular Biology for 3 years. And our request has been one of those selected. Thanks to this grant, we add a new industrial research Project to our company that strengthens our trajectory as R+D+I company in Biotechnology.



Alongside more than 21.000 participants across Europe, BioAssays has collaborated in the “EUvsVirus” Hackathon, a meeting point to connect scientists, academics, investors, innovators, and civil society, where numerous innovative solutions have been proposed for overcome the new Covid19 pandemic-related challenges. The “EUvsVirus” Hackathon is an initiative hosted by the European Comission in close collaboration with the EU member states.


ISCIII (Institute of Health Carlos III), under Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, has launched an extraordinary funding call for proposals on SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 research projects with a budget of €24M. BioAssays, in its commitment to the fight against the emerging SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, submits a proposal for this call, contributing with all its knowledge, expertise and technologies, for the development of fast and reliable diagnostic kits for SARS-CoV-2 detection to address the current Covid-19 outbreak and even future coronavirus outbreaks.


Committed to the fight against the emerging SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, designated Public Health Emergency of International Concern, BioAssays submits a proposal for 21stIMI2 (Innovative Medicines Initiative) call, with a budget of €45M, for the “Development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infections” within the European Horizon 2020 programme. BioAssays contributes with all its knowledge, expertise and technologies, for the development of fast and reliable diagnostic kits for not only current SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, but also future possible coronavirus outbreaks.


Thanks to BioAssays trust in youth talent, hiring young staff is an essential part of our employment strategy. The Consejería de Economía, Empleo y Competitividad of the Community of Madrid has positively appreciated our approach with a reward form the Youth Guarantee iniatiative belonging to the Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Strategy and co-financed by the European Social Fund.